Mother Theresa Arts and Science College (CO-ED)

(Approved by the Government of Tamil Nadu & Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)

(Run by Service and Education for Village Awareness and Improvement Society)
Bodi - Chinnamanur Main Road, T.Sindalaicherry, Theni District - 625530, Tamil Nadu.


1.Soft Skill Cell

Name Designation
Dr. S. Sophia Mary Principal (i/c) & Chairman
Mrs.T.Swarna Lavanya Co-ordinator
Mr. C. Asant Raj Member
Mr. P.Pandi Member
Mr. V. Albert Jawahar Member

2.Assembly & Prayer Cell

Name Designation
Dr. S. Sophia Mary Principal (i/c) & Chairman
Mr.R.Bastin Jesuraj Secretary & Co-Convenor
Mrs.S.Sophia Mary Assistant Convenor
Mrs. J.Jenifer Co-ordinator
Mrs. A. Silviya Shanthi Member
Mrs. P. Roslin Member
Mr. M. Surya Prakash Member
Mr. V. Albert Jawahar Member

3.Women’s Cell

Name Designation
Dr. S. Sophia Mary Principal (i/c) & Chairman
Mrs. S. Sahaya Mary Co-ordinator
Mrs.S.Sophia Mary Member
Mrs. Member
Mrs. P. Roslin Member
Mrs. Student Representative, III B.SC (CS)
Ms. Student Representative, II B.COM (CA)

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